Cannabis has always been considered illegal in society. This plant is considered a narcotic because it inflicts adverse health effects. However, the discovery of CBD has changed the view of this highly controversial plant. Contrary to what one might think, this molecule has no psychotropic properties. It has also been shown to be effective in several treatments, including migraine. If you would like to know more about the relationship between migraine and CBD, follow this article.

CBD: a molecule extracted from hemp

Also known as cannabidiol, this component is mainly derived from the hemp plant. Together with THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and other secondary constituents, it forms the cannabinoid group. THC is the agent responsible for behavioural disorders in cannabis users. It usually causes hallucinations and various intoxicating sensations, but can also lead to a state of psychosis. In contrast, CBD has no psychoactive effect on the user. That's why it is so popular, and why it's such a great success.

The effects of CBD on migraine

In most cases, migraines start in a part of the brain called the hypothalamus. This phenomenon is fundamentally related to the body's response to various factors, such as stress or lack of sleep. In other words, it affects people with a fairly unbalanced level of the neurotransmitter serotonin, regardless of the cause. The most common method of treating these headaches is the use of painkillers, anti-vomitants or pharmaceutical triptans. However, recent studies have shown that CBD can also be an effective treatment, thanks to its analgesic properties. In addition, it can reduce anxiety and panic attacks, two psychological factors that trigger migraine headaches. To relieve pain, it acts directly on the endocannabinoid system by stimulating it.

How to use CBD in case of migraine?

There are countless ways of treating migraine headaches with CBD. One of these is the sublingual intake of cannabidiol-based oil. Compared to other methods of administration, this has proven to be the most suitable for migraine patients. Here, the active substances pass immediately from the oral mucosa into the bloodstream, enabling them to act quickly. However, you should always take care to observe the indicated doses, as otherwise side effects may occur. Apart from this, also consider contraindications to the consumption of the component. In general, pregnant women, as well as people with arterial or cardiac problems are affected.

Vaping off the CBD

One of the most popular forms of CBD is to vaporize with an electronic cigarette. The effects can vary from person to person.

CBD legality

CBD is legal in many countries and states, from planting to marketing. That said, there are strict regulations to be followed by all those involved.